
Climate impact calculator for event visitors


This calculator has been developed with funding from Göteborg & Co.

Travel & Accommodation

Read more about the methodology used for calculating travel and accommodation emissions at Travel CO2.


Emissions from food are calculated using example meals developed in an ongoing research project. One meal per day is included in the calculation and is meant to showcase the differences between meal choices.

Meal category Representative meals used in calculator CO2e / person / meal
Beef Hamburger with french fries 5.0 kg
Cheese Halloumi burger with french fries 1.6 kg
Fish & seafood Shrimp sandwich 1.3 kg
Pork Schnitzel with french fries 1.1 kg
Chicken Chicken burger with french fries 0.7 kg
Greens & beans Vegan burger with french fries 0.5 kg


Pledged emission reductions are calculated as the difference between the original emissions based on user selections in the calculator and the calculated emissions after the pledges have been made.